Find Serenity &
Sue Relihan is the founder of Find Serenity & Empowerment, LLC, and the creator of the Living in The Shadow of the Thin Blue Line® program. With over 20 years as a Holistic Wellness Practitioner, she is trained in a wide-variety of healing modalities including:
- Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS)
- Life and Hypnotic Coaching
- Mind-Body Medicine, Massage Therapy
- Supportive Community Creation and Event & Workshop Facilitation
Sue is a Best-selling Author, Speaker and Trainer. Use the button below to schedule your free introductory consultation to learn how Sue can help you achieve greater serenity and empowerment in your life.

Meet Sue Relihan
Holistic Wellness Practitioner
Life has thrown a lot at us lately.
Do you have the full support you need to get through it all?
Whether you have been thrust into a significant transition or you’re just starting to realize that a change has been building for a while, you may need a little extra support.
I truly believe you already have within you, right now, everything you need to deal with whatever life has thrown at you. Sometimes we just need someone to help us uncover our own inner strength and wisdom.
Whether you have experienced small setbacks or major traumas, you are influenced by parts of you that hold memories of past experiences. These memories are held consciously, subconsciously, and in your body.
As a Holistic Wellness Practitioner, I use a customized combination of several powerful healing modalities including – Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy, Mind-Body Medicine, Somatic IFS, Polyvagal Theory, and Hypnotic Coaching to help support you.
In addition to providing one-on-one body-mind-spirit services, I have built a private on-line membership community for supporters of emergency responders. Between being employed in the law enforcement industry for 26 years, being the daughter of a long tenured Peace Officer and the ex-wife of a Deputy Sheriff, I have a unique perspective on the toll the profession can take on the people closest to us.
If you find yourself living with the roller coaster of emotions from supporting a emergency responder, please scroll down to my Living in The Shadow of The Thin Blue Line® link to schedule a short interview for acceptance into my membership program.
Learn more about what it’s like to work with me on my Psychology Today profile.
I excel at creating safe therapeutic environments where people can be vulnerable enough to deeply explore their inner world.
“I am committed to joining with you on a journey towards hope and healing.”
To book your free initial introductory consult to see if working with me is a good fit, click the button below.
Get a Free Serenity Meditation
“Sue’s Voice is One of Her Best Qualities!”
People around the world have complimented Sue on the quality of her meditative voice.
Click the button below and sign up to stay in touch with Sue and receive a link for a free download of her Serenity Meditation.
Empowering Resources
Living in the Shadow of the Thin Blue Line®

This program is designed to benefit anyone who in some way supports Emergency Responders. This can be family and/or civilian support staff. It is essential that the people who support emergency responders have access to others who understand the culture surrounding their profession.
All participants must be interviewed prior to acceptance into the program.
Buy Sue’s Books

Metamorphosis – One Woman’s Journey to Find Serenity and Empowerment
Self-care is the ultimate form of self-love. Sue Relihan released Metamorphosis – One Woman’s Journey to Find Serenity and Empowerment as a #1 international best seller in April of 2016. Buy Sue’s book–and its accompanying workbook at the link below.
Read Sue’s Blog

Over the years Sue has written several brief articles on many topics. They have all been archived on Medium, and as she writes more articles they will be found here.
Old articles are archived at
Learn about Internal Family Systems therapy
Learn about Center of Mind-Body Medicine
To receive up-to-date information and serenity & empowerment tips, click below
Contact Me
Would you like to know more? Do you have some questions for me and aren’t ready to book an appointment? Would you like to have me speak at your next event?
Fill out the form to the right and I will get back to you within two business days.